The Association for the Capital Projects Engineering & Construction Community.

Wednesday Session Planning Team Update

July 9, 2015

By Mark Lambert and Gray Slocum, ECC Future Leaders

Future Leaders take note – work is underway by the Wednesday Session Planning Team! You will want to attend and participate in the Wednesday session at the conference on September 9, 2015 in San Antonio. There are always great speakers and opportunities to meet other Future Leaders in a smaller group setting before the conference. The Wednesday Session Planning Team is tasked with the preparation and execution of the itinerary for the entire day—preceding the open portion of the ECC Conference—specifically for Future Leaders. The planning team has put together a draft of the agenda, which includes several networking sessions. In addition, several of these sessions are filled with external speakers. The speakers will be engaging and knowledgeable on a topic that fits the conference’s theme—Complexity, Ambiguity, and Volatility.

Because of the diversity of the members on the planning team, a number of exceptional candidate speakers have been researched and identified. These candidates, in turn, also have diverse backgrounds, which often extend outside the engineering and construction industry. Work is underway on firming-up presentations with all of the speakers.

The Wednesday Session Planning Team looks forward to working with each of the other teams in order to develop a memorable and inspiring conference.